7 Proven Tips to Increase the Speed of Your Website

How to increase the speed of your website

Speeding up your website is an essential step that helps you get more engagements on your website. Let’s learn how to increase the speed of your website.

When your website speed is fast, the visitor will be happy and come back again. Speeding up a website will also help your SEO result. Do you think that 1 second is not important enough? Think again. Here are the statistics that will clarify how important 1 second is in the world of the internet.

1-second slower in page load will yields :

  • 11% fewer page views.
  • 16% decrease in user experience and satisfaction.
  • 7% loss in conversions.

Amazon proved this with the report of a 1% increase in revenue for only every 100 milliseconds in page load. You can see now how important the speed is?

How to increase the speed of your website[…]

7 Proven Tips to Increase the Speed of Your Website Keep Reading »
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source https://wparchives.com/tips-increase-speed-website/

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