How to Write Impactful Abandoned Cart Emails in

How to Write Impactful Abandoned Cart Emails in 2022

What do you do when your shopping cart abandonment rate goes high? How do you recover lost sales? You will find answers to all these questions in this article that we have carefully curated for you. We will discuss the best abandoned cart emails, along with tips and strategies so you can write impactful shopping cart abandonment emails to capture missed revenue.

Do you know that according to recent data from the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is just under 70 percent? Given that this data is derived after 41 different studies, it is an extremely shocking percentage for ecommerce store owners.

To write abandoned cart emails that bring back our unconvinced, unconverted target audience, let’s understand what it is and why writing and sending out one is so important.

What is an Abandoned Cart Email and Why Is It Important?

Abandoned cart emails are follow-up email messages sent out to those visitors on your website who leave your website without purchasing the items in their online shopping cart.

And why do we send out these email messages? Simply so that we can recover the lost revenue that occurred as a result of our visitors leaving midway through checkout.

According to moosend’s


How to Write Impactful Abandoned Cart Emails in Keep Reading »
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